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A Erotic Tale about Backpacking

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A tale about a covert time with two strange traveling buddies full of sensuality and pleasure

A Erotic Tale about Backpacking

Allow me to introduce the situation. My friend had organized a group of his pals to go trekking in a beautiful, although secluded area. As luck would have it, one of the fellowship participants had to withdraw, which opened up a slot for—you guessed it—me. In summary, we had an incredible experience. However, as is frequently the case, my natural lack of social skills cruelly interrupted what could have been an almost ideal encounter. I had made a terrible attempt to become friends with one of the females who had traveled with me; for the purpose of simplicity, we'll name her Vera. I guess we were just polar opposites, but not the kind that generated any sort of attraction. Anyway, for the duration of the trip, our relationship was pretty strained.


After two weeks of vacation, Vera, ever watchful, dropped her hiking equipment into a tiny ditch—which, looking back, was really more of a marshy moat. Her tent, bedrolls, and extra clothing were all drenched. Amber, the person with whom I shared a tent, and I decided to extend a helping hand to her. That night, my darling Vera was wedged in between the two of us. I'd done a chivalrous thing and zipped open my sleeping bag to make a big blanket so that she would have some warmth at least.


And so, there I was, claiming little territory within the tent as my own. The massive beast that had moved in next to me, Vera, had practically taken up the middle of our small apartment. She began to climb up on my cheap inflated mattress, little by bit, demanding its semi-comforts. I tried to fend off her vicious advances at first, but being the gentleman that I am, I gave up the fight rather fast. I made due with a narrow stretch of land and braced myself for what I thought would be a difficult evening. In a fit of seething, silent rage, I had decided to turn myself away from my less-than-charming neighbor. Rather foolishly as it turned out since it meant that I was now lying with my face pressed against the musty, damp fabric of the tent. I tried to ignore the miserable conditions I had maneuvered myself in and made an effort to fall asleep.


The gates of heaven parted as I began to drift into the delightful condition of half-slumber. It was raining hard and our tent was getting beaten apart. I could feel the cold creeping in as our tent's fabric grew increasingly wet. My breath eventually became little wispy clouds. I spun back, desperately attempting to get away from the cold. I felt something round and fat against my crotch almost immediately. Vera had attacked me for a spell of drowsy spooning, but she was already sound asleep. I managed to force a reasonably adequate spacing between the two of us again after that.


My thoughts began to stray to the things that had happened over the previous day, and I eventually fell asleep. The beautiful scenery I had hiked through gradually faded away and resurfaced. I noticed the family of voles that had attempted to flee with our instant soup packs. Recalling the icy lake where I'd had a quick shower made me tremble. All of a sudden, the recollection began to slant. The two girls from Finland who had accompanied us for lunch appeared from behind a rocky formation. To my amazement, they stripped and began to wade through the freezing waters to me. Their nipples stiffened as they descended upon me, with a voracious appetite in their eyes. What happened next, is shrouded in a salacious haze. Moreover, I’m not skilled enough as a writer to adequately describe the things that played out between the three of us. If you insist on learning the details; just close your eyes. Conjure up all those taboo thoughts that popped up when glimpsing at the person that was sitting next to you on the train or who was working behind the counter of your local supermarket. 


I woke up with a start, not fully understanding what had happened or where I was. An unanticipated ache suddenly halted my line of thinking as my thoughts tried to take control of the issue once more. Having abstained for two weeks in a fairly forced manner, my balls were churning urgently. I was shocked and surprised to find my cock wedged between Vera's thick thighs. In addition, she was somewhat exposed since the little gray shorts she had been wearing had risen up. I could feel her legs radiating heat through my very thin sweatpants. A knot in my gut began to form as I became aware of what was about to happen very quickly.


A wave of pleasure washed over me, as my orgasm took hold. My hips bucked forward, further burying myself in the tantalizing warmth. I climaxed. Rope upon rope of thick, acetonic seed surged out of my pulsating cock. The first shots were somewhat held back by my pajamas, but the textile was not made to withstand such an unrelenting onslaught. Feeling completely spent, I pulled back. In the half-light of the early morning hours, amidst the tangle of sleeping bags and other camping paraphernalia, I could not properly gauge the damage I had done. But instinctively, I knew. I had just splattered this unsuspecting girl’s thighs with nothing less than an obscene load of cum. I was horrified, damning myself to hell and back for this act of molestation. Utterly drained, I fell into a deep sleep.


I jolted awake, immediately remembering my crepuscular adventure. Completely aghast, I frantically looked around me, half and half expecting to find Vera lurking over me, whilst brandishing a blunt pocket knife. “Hey, lazybones, wake up, it’s your turn to make coffee. The others are already breaking up camp”, bellowed Amber. I veered upright, not quite managing to shake the feeling of gut-wrenching terror. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Did you sleep all right? Vera here told me that some water has managed to get in during the night. Apparently, her legs were all wet. How did your side of the tent hold up?”. I stuttered something about shoddy camping equipment, whilst I hastily put on a clean pair of pants. Then, I dashed out of the tent, still reeling from what must have been one of the greatest and guilt-laden orgasms I had ever experienced



Post by Xerex99

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."